A tutorial on how to add $ANTI-$PRO liquidity on Raydium and earn rewards

  1. Go to Raydium and connect your solana wallet
  2. Click “liquidity”
  3. Search $Anti’s contract HB8KrN7Bb3iLWUPsozp67kS4gxtbA4W5QJX4wKPvpump
  4. Find Pro-Anti pool and click “deposit”
  5. Set the price range that you want to provide liquidity in, I think 5% is good
  6. Set how many tokens you want to deposit. $Anti and $Pro you deposit should have the same value
  7. Confirm transaction in your wallet

P.S. Once you successfully deposited in LP, you will receive an NFT that represent your position. You will yield fees when people swap between $Anti and $Pro

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Thank you for providing such an excellent tutorial.

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Whats my risk here if I do this? How to handle risk too?

I guess it’s almost without any risk as anti-pro are always pegged.

In worst situation your portfolio will all be turned into one of them which has less value.

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First, when the price of the two tokens goes down, the value of your position will decrease too.
Second, in V3 LP there is a risk called Impermanent loss. You can check this article for more details


Good work bro, keep it up!