How to deal with depegging - ANTI-PRO betting market

Depgging itself is not a problem, I think. Time heals all wounds.
It will be about 1:1 anyway in long term.

However the word depegging scares the people since we have witness so many issues like the Terra incident. So it is about trust and sentiment. for those who understand the system don’t give a fuck but noobs will run away.

Like the last ama session. ANTI PRO are still small caps and there is a large event like presidential elections. Trump seems obvious winner and is represented by PRO. People will buy PRO to bet on Trump and now ANTI is 0.001 and PRO is 0.0015.

We need to create demand for ANTI to make both token go upside and not to drag higher one to low.

What I came up with is making a collider for betting on pegging. Eventually it will peg but it will take some time and we’d like to make a quick fix. So make a collider saying “PRO is now 50% more expensive than ANTI, the difference will “stay” more than 30% in a week”

If people want to bet on pegging they need to buy ANTI because the collider is set up that way by the word “stay”. and if can use “not stay” to boost PRO demand for the opposite case.

We can create this collider automatically when the prices diverge.

  • Should it be autonomous or people should intervene to deal with edge cases? Human error is definitely a risk
  • What interval should be used? if it is too short term, it can be manipulated and if it is too long people may be reluctant to bet due to waiting.
  • How big difference criteria should be used? If we choose it will stay within 5% difference, some whales might push it and keep it stay above 5% and some will think “Hey it is 50% different now so it will stay above 5% in a month” which is NOT what we are expecting.
  • Is this even a good idea? It might cause more unstable market since whales will try to manipulate results. They can push it with big money. Especially when ANTIPRO are small caps.

We still need to polish this idea but I think this is a good start. What do you think?


Dev and I have discussed about this too, and we thought about creating a form of game that incentivizes people to try to match 1PRO=1ANTI for an extended period.

As for your idea, I think it should be autonomous, given that the entanglement between A and P will only grow stronger over time == lesser chance and harder to arbitrage

I’d like to hear @sshmatrix thoughts on your idea, though.

Thanks for this

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Let me get back to this with a fresher mind :thinking:

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