In-house DEX for LP - $ANTI and $PRO

Right now, majority of LP is done on Raydium and Meteora — these Dexes are earning fees + it prints red candles on dexscreener and charts

Should we have our own DEX? Only S-Cat / admin has the permission to interact with it. This way, S-Cat can be revenue-generating and the team will have funds to grow the project

Do you mean developing our own DEX which is private and not permissionless? What about creating another LP pool by the team on Raydium?

Our own open-sourced, permissionless DEX. I’m a Solidity dev, so not too sure if it works the same as EVMs.

Creating another pool requires the team to have significant portion of ANTI-PRO which we dont

Does it mean others provide LP of various tokens in our DEX and the team will earn from the protocol fee?

Just ANTI-PRO-SOL Pool for now
Imagine we own the deepest liquidity of our own tokens. A little like how OlympusDAO does it; we call that Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL)

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Still don’t understand. How can the team own the deepest liquidity if the team doesn’t own significant portion of Anti&Pro?

I don’t think it’s an idea in the current situation. We should reach the market value after proceeding.

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  1. Is S-Cat something like a meme coin?
  2. To be honest, I think doing this at the moment may not be of much help to us. Our current volume is not very large. If the transaction is moved to other scenarios, such as our own in-house dex, it may significantly reduce our transaction & volume in Raydium . *This may further compress our market share and result in a significant reduction in overall volume.

I think S-Cat is just our mascot and the name of our AI Agent. It won’t be any other tokens except anti, pro, x and y.

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yea i got your point, but look at that, “Only S-Cat / admin has the permission” , if it’s not a coin or NFT, how can we do that?

here’s what I’ve been looking at

Deepest liquidity right now is on Raydium, correct? But that doesn’t mean Raydium owns it

Yep, this is just a discussion, no need to implement now or urgently

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Dayum, you guys have been cooking. Dev will need 6 arms and 4 sets of eyes to keep up with this :sweat_smile:

This is correct. Solana tokenomics is structured entirely around $ANTI & $PRO. There will be no more tokens on Solana ever (other than $X and $Y).

The reason why I suggested in-house DEX is:

  1. S-CAT AI Agent (with Account Abstraction) can assist users to rebalance their ANTI-PRO ratio in the LP pool, when the delta gets too big. Imagine not needing to remove LP, sell some PRO for ANTI, then Add LP Position again and again. Maybe the S-CAT can help us autonomously? Or make it a one-click feature.
  2. By having in-house DEX, the pool will not be ruined by massive whales trying to either exit or rebalance their massive amounts of ANTI-PRO. Think of this as OTC.

Sounds good. But does it mean the LP providers and the S-cat own the LP position together?