Let's talk about the community reward system

  1. Just like Ssh clearly mentioned in last twitter space, saying that our main problem currently is we need to bring more attention from both capitals and investors. That is why we need our community members to be active on Twitter and any other platforms that can spread the project info
  2. We’ve created Twitter Raids group on both TG (Telegram: Contact @antixpush) and Wechat, and holders are passionate about doing so but, you know since the price goes down continuously these days, they are losing their passion and the group is becoming sleepy.
  3. I got a plan inspired by @Karl and @Mandy , that we can create a rewarding system, something like Vault in DAO system. Top holders/Dev Team/Volunteers can donate their AntiPro and we use these tokens to give rewards to those who contribute a lot for project promotion.
  4. There are 4 group of ppl who can win the reward from my personal idea.
    *visual designer, who creates high-level images/meme pictures /Emojis and more
    *KOL’s catcher, who got Replies or Likes by influencers or big projects.
    *Quantity Winner, who works hardest among the group
    *Quality Winner, who writes/posts the most attractive essays or articles(with high engagement rates)

And what do you think? How to optimize this system?


I couldn’t agree more with this plan! Looking forward to the announcement of more specific details.

Great advice! To keep community members motivated.

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Agree, lets do it !!!

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Totally agreed, let’s make it happed

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I couldn’t agree more with this plan!Just do it

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Sounds amazing! Dev wasn’t expecting the community to be so ready to create a community fund. Let me ping him about this


I think we have made the first small step in this direction: Community Proposal: Establishing a Scientific Donation Fund - #2 by sshmatrix

It’s basic to count contributions in monetary terms but that’s what the project needs right now. We’ll surely expand this to contributions in alternative ways by community members.

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