Look if we can apply for the $1,000,000 Innovative Fund from ACT

ACT announced that they are launching a $1,000,000 Innovative Fund for AI Agents. Since we are going to develop our own AI Agent, I think we can consider applying this fund.


@sshmatrix Let’s freaking go! We definitely have qualification to win this!

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I think this is really interesting! Let’s apply for this once our mascot is out!

We’ll apply for sure! Thanks for the alpha :saluting_face:

i think it is better to apply for the fund with a product demo. Might be easier.


Does anyone know of any AI devs on Solana?

Idk, but if you want to recruit new devs, you have to beware of hackers from North Korea. They always disguise themselves as devs and have good coding ability, but will attack the project finally. This case is an alarm

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