Schrödinger's Cat: Antitoken AI-Mascot

Why Schrodinger Cat
Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought experiment devised by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, which he designed to illustrate a paradox of quantum superposition wherein a hypothetical cat may be considered both alive and dead simultaneously because its fate is linked to a random event that may (or may not) occur.

According to Degens, it is likely that cat memes will overtake dog memes in this cycle. Hence, we believe Schrödinger’s Cat, or S-Cat in short, will be the perfect mascot.

Therefore, we would like to invite our community to collaborate and bring S-Cat to live. (or not?)

Let’s start with the design!


should S-Cat be just one cat with 2-tone? or 2 cats together?

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Is there a picture about it?

For those who want to learn more:
TedEd video on Schrodinger Cat

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Oh I know this concept. It’s “薛定谔的猫” in Chinese

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Yes! We can look for references online on how we want S-Cat to look.
Afterwards, we can engage a Fiverr artist to perfect the look for us

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Aw shit, these are so cute! Much needed shot of Serotonin :star_struck:

i perfer to have two cats in one frame since we have two tokens